Terms & Policy
Tuition is due on the first class session of each month. In order to keep your child enrolled in pre-school, we ask that the full amount be paid each month, even though he/she might be absent from some sessions. This policy is necessary since our operational costs continue as we save space for your child.
Arrival and Dismissal Time
We ask that the children do not arrive more than 5 minutes before class, as the teachers are busy preparing for the day. Your promptness at dismissal time is also appreciated. We also ask that you accompany your child into the classroom each session. For your child’s safety, we need to have you meet your child in the classroom at dismissal time. We encourage carpools but please let us know your plans. If your child is to be picked up by another person, please let the teachers know.
Bad Weather Cancellation and Dismissal
We follow public school closings. If public schools close due to bad weather, we will also close. Use your own judgment during bad weather.
Children should dress in comfortable play clothes, as they will be sitting and playing on the floor as well as painting and other activities.
Please check your child carefully for symptoms of a cold, sore throat, fever or any communicable condition such as diarrhea, ringworm, impetigo, head lice, pink eye, and scabies. If your child has any of these illnesses, we ask that you keep him/her home from school. Please call us to let us know when your child will NOT be in school.
Snacks And Birthdays
The children will take turns bringing snacks. We encourage the use of nutritious snacks. We will celebrate birthdays in class, as close to their special day as possible. Your child may want to share this time by a simple but special treat. Sharing a favorite story, a record, or a special sticker or individually wrapped goody, such as sugarless gum or a sucker, can be passed out at dismissal time.
Parent Involvement
Parents are asked to help drive for field trips. The teacher may ask for an occasional helping hand in the classroom from time to time. There will be a Parent-Teacher Conference scheduled in the spring. Feel free to come and visit the classroom any time. If you have any questions about your child’s progress, don’t hesitate to ask for a conference with the teacher at any time.